Our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is a perfect way to get involved in the life of the school.  The PTO is an active, inclusive and organized effort designed to help meet needs at our school.  A broad assortment of activities are in place to help support teachers, connect with other families, and engage in the learning experience of your child.

The PTO seeks to:
-Support the school staff in and outside of the classroom
-Foster a sense of community among school families
-Assist in creating a positive learning experience of our students
-Raise needed funds for school use

PTO operates with the following committees, along with an Executive Board:
School Support
Staff Appreciation
Family Events
*an assortment of activities are planned in each area

General Information:
-All parents are considered members of PTO (no dues and no required meetings)
-Several PTO parent meetings occur during the year, monthly PTO meetings and others in conjunction with other school activities (ALL parents and caregivers welcome to attend)
-Positions are available to serve on planning committees as well as coordinate projects (speak to board members for info.)

How to stay tuned in:
-Refer to the bi-monthly Backpack Mail Issue
-Receive parent emails (email bmprimarypto@gmail.com if you are not on the emailing list)
-Watch the car line signs and school sign in the front of the school
-Listen for recorded phone messages from school principal
-Check PTO page on BMP Website
-Check your child's folder for flyers

Some things you might consider to become involved at BMP:
-Eat lunch with your child
-Take a shift at a family event
-Send in items for our charitable projects
-Tutor a child needing help
-Volunteer as an extra in the class
-Be a part of our school's Fun Run
-Help with our gardening program
-Care for grounds by weeding and raking
-Help at school events (book fair, field day, school pictures, art show)
-Collect Box Tops

For more information, questions, or to become involved please email communications@blackmountainpto.org


President: Katie Duvall
Vice Presidents: Mary Beth Begley, Frank Cappelli
Treasurer: Noelle Smith
Secretary/Communications: Teeny Pineda


Click on the link below to find out more about our PTO Bylaws-

BMP PTO Bylaws (LINK TO: https://mcusercontent.com/3cced6d35fc303c1748235eaa/files/c2dce9de-0e85-1547-4890-128d81707ed2/BMP_PTO_Bylaws_2022.docx.pdf