Family Engagement Plan
Traduccíon en español
Our goal is to partner with families and caregivers to provide each student at Woodfin a successful experience. Multiple opportunities for family involvement in their students' education, such as the ones listed below, will be provided.
Teachers, families, students, and our principal pledge their commitment each year by signing the Title I Home and School Compact – a document which defines the role of all stakeholders in each child’s learning.
Meetings with families will be held and surveys will be sent home in order to receive suggestions for improving our school program and meeting parent needs. Our school website will provide current information for families. Copies of our Family Engagement Plan will be sent to all families in appropriate languages. A copy of Woodfin’s Continuous Improvement Plan will be available for review in our school office and on our website.
Teachers will include educational activities and assignments in their SeeSaw or Google classrooms. We also have educational tools and resources available by following the "At Home Resources" link under the Academics tab.
Families will be kept informed about student progress through conferences and written progress reports. Families can also view student work samples and progress through SeeSaw or Google classroom. To view student work in one of these platforms, please contact your child's classroom teacher.
Family interest and involvement in students’ learning is vital.
Our family engagement activities, and other important dates, are listed here:
Dates for 2023-24 to come.
Additional opportunities for family engagement:
Student Achievement Activities
Parent/Teacher Organization – PTO
Title I Parent Advisory Committee
Woodfin School Advisory Committee
Woodfin School Improvement Team
Woodfin Elementary School Mission Statement
The purpose of Woodfin Elementary School is to promote excellence in a caring environment and to prepare each student to meet their greatest potential in the areas of academics, social development, and citizenship. We partner with parents, volunteers, and community in order to enable our students to become lifelong, self-directed learners in a diverse global society. We strive to foster an environment of empowered staff, students, parents, and community.