Advisory Council

Progressive Education Program Advisory Council

Members of the Board of Education have a sincere commitment to the concept of citizen involvement in the Buncombe County Schools.  We believe that the people want good schools, that they have reasonable ideas about the things the schools should do, and that they are willing to help the schools attain established goals.  A purpose of the advisory structure is to provide informed advice to the school authorities.

2023-2024 Advisory Council Members
Melanie Ramsey, Principal

Jason Rollins, Assistant Principal

Kelly Holland, Teacher Representative

Maria Askea, Parent Representative

Christy Balcells, Parent Representative

Michelle Daniels, Parent Representative

Shakela Heard, Parent Representative

PEP Advisory Council Meetings

September 21 @ 2:45 Via Zoom

October 24 @ 6:00 @ Erwin High School

February 1 @ 2:45 Via Zoom